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Leader of the Pack, Week 3: Darrius "Baby" Barlowe

When looking out across the field at the Lions players warming up, it is not hard to overlook Darrius Barlowe. Nicknamed "Baby," he is not only one of the youngest on the

team at 22, but is also one of the smallest. However, his small stature is in no way characteristic of his impact on the field or off of it.

Barlowe is a diligent father of two. He holds down three jobs off the field to support his small family, showing that his hard work translates to all parts of his life. On the field, this translation manifests itself in Barlowe's versatility, playing both ways for the Lions. In week 3, Barlowe stepped up as quarterback as well as taking the field as one of the defensive backs. Against the Blackhawks formidable offense, he managed 5 tackles, 1 for loss, helping to contain the Blackhawks for the first half of the game.

Though he was an essential tool for the defense, his offensive leadership has earned him Offensive Leader of the Pack for Week 3. Statistically, Barlowe threw for an underwhelming 102 yards but those yards were hard fought and thrown while running full speed away from penetrating defenders. No matter the strife, there was never a complaint from Barlowe. When I asked him what formed such a mentality, he simply stated getting angry never helps. He just continues to work because he loves the game. No truer words could have been said as a semblance of the old Lions carefree and fun attitude made an appearance in Week 3, despite the unfortunate outcome. Even suffering a shoulder injury at the end of the 3rd quarter, Barlowe still kept true to his philosophy, supporting his team with a smile and great attitude, helping to bring about this welcome change in his teammates.

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