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Leader of the Pack, Week 3: Matt White

Matt White is a quiet sort of player. He isn't the one seen screaming as he comes off the field. He isn't one to start fights over petty nonsense on the field. Instead, he lets his level of play speak for him, and, in week 3, it spoke volumes. While the final outcome may have been disappointing White shined, racking up 16 tackles, including 1 tackle for loss and a forced fumble.

Getting to talk with White a bit about his life, his calm demeanor and outstanding performance come as no surprise. Native to Wilmington, CA, White has been playing semi-pro for 5 years in Southern California, almost entirely for the West Coast Lions. In fact, he maintains that winning his first championship in Vegas was his greatest moment in football. His dedication stems from his love of the game, one that pushes him to play season after season, setting a strong example for his teammates. With his own family being so supportive, especially his parents Myron and Ursula, its no wonder that he supports his team game after game both with his tireless efforts on the field and leadership off the field.

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